Here, March is the end of academic year. Many students graduate from their school and enter new world.
I'm also graduating from university on March 22th. From April, I will start to work.
As I wrote here before, I was working on my dissertation from last August to Feb 2nd. You can see my grad thesis next to books.
Again, thank you so much to everyone who gave me much help and encouragement.
Finishing the last paper remarks the end of my studying in university. Then, many students are enjoying their long free time before they start to work. Most of them go to travel (we call 'graduation trip' in Japanese).
Many students like to travel with their close friends. But, in my case, my friends already graduated from university last March while I was studying in the U.S. So, I decided to travel alone.
I was really wondering which country I should go---Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore.....After long thinking, I chose South Korea. The direct flight from Akita to Seoul is available. Now, Japanese yen is strong against Korean won.
From tomorrow, 2nd, to 12th, I'll be in South Korea. I know it's really long stay but I won't get such a long holidays after starting to work. Therefore, I'm gonna enjoy staying in South Korea as much as I can.
Of course, I wanna go some sightseeing spots but I'm also interested in places Korean people use in their life such as supermarkets.
I wish I can have safe trip=)
I wish I can have safe trip=)
wow, so many handsout you threw away, seem that you been working so hard along the way.
happy & safe trip to you, travel alone is not easy, you are so independent. Enjoy long long the trip. Safety first
Thanks Exter!!
Yep, I enjoyed my trip pretty much. I stayed for more than 10 days, it's like 'stay' more than trip haha. I'll upload some pics later here.
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