Aug 16, 2010

I'm good here~~~

hey my friends, how are you guys doing there? Here, it's incredibly hot and HUMID!! News says almost everyday that some elderly people died of this hot weather, dehydration. We haven't seen such a long hot days for the last decade. We have kept the air-conditioner on except early morning.
The picture, tomato pasta in a french restaurant near my home. I strongly believe this restaurant is one of best restaurants in Japan!! haha~

The first 2 weeks on August, I needed to go to office, no weekends at all. Therefore, I could take days off on upcoming Friday. I will prepare for the trip to Paris. I gotta change moneys, book the domestic trains to get to Narita intl airport...Many things to be done!!

However, actually, I'm not motivated enough to do anything. How can I free from this lazy feeling =( ??